Thursday, November 8, 2007

I would have to say that the most memorable vacation I have been on is when I went to London and Paris 2 Christmas' ago. I left Christmas night and arrived in London the next day. Luckily, I had a friend living and working in London, so I had a free place to stay! I got to see snow fall in London and Paris. In London I rode the tube all throughout the city, went to Windsor Castle, the Eye of London, Tower of London, and every other tourist spot in the city. It was very exhausting, but very worth it. I took the train to Paris and spent 30 exciting hours in the wonderful city. My trip to Paris was a whirl wind. I tried to squeeze as much as I could into the 30 hours. I did the basics - the Luvue, Eiffel Tower, bus tour, and ate fantastic food. Then I headed back to London where I counted down to the new year in front of Big Ben on the Thames River. I loved this trip and have wanted to return since I left.


Anonymous said...

I would love to see England. The history is so rich and being as a Canadian there are so many of our historical roots enbedded in that country. Did you take the photos on your blog? They are beautiful.

maryhasacutedog said...

Hi, What great photos! Sounds like a great trip. Someday I will make it to Europe, I hope.

Braunstein said...

Being a first generation American I would love a chance to see Europe. There are so many great things to see I wouldn't know what country to start with. Old family sites, historical WW1 and WW2 sites, even older stuff like Stonehenge would all be interesting to see. It must have been wonderful to see these places at Christmas time.

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle,
Sounds fun. I got to see snow in Germany and I must say, traveling in the winter is magical. I'm sure it was the same in London and Paris. For us teachers, it's sometimes hard to get enough time off during winter for a long vacation, but I'd recommend it!