I often think of this topic as I see students in my class drowzy and just "out of it". I was recently sitting in an IEP meeting listening to a parent explain that she basically pleaded with the child's doctor to up his dosage because at home this student wouldn't just sit and watch TV. The educators in the meeting all agreed that there was no need that we could see that the child need a higher dose of his medication, but the parent some how convinced the doctor to change the prescription, or the doctor may not have needed any convincing??? This child now sits in my class half asleep and doesn't interact as he did before. It is really hard to watch a slip away. I have seen medication work wonders on some students, but it seems like medication seems to be the answer very quickly nowadays. I am by far a doctor or educated on medications, but it is hard to see kids take steps back when they are being overmedicated.
New York Times Article
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Educational Issue - Teacher Shortage
I find this issue very interesting. I am still within my first 5 years of teacher and so are many of my friends. We often have the same concerns about our career: it's not what we expected, we put way too much time into our days, the pay is less than other careers with the same education, our expectations keep changing and increasing, etc. Many of us have looked into other options just out of curiosity. We love working with the kids, but sometimes feel unappreciated and not as successful as we would feel in other fields. If it was just about working with the kids we probably wouldn't have these thoughts. I found it interesting that 20% of teachers in their first 5 years leave the profession and 50% of teachers that work in urban areas leave the profession within 5 years. I find this scary, because there are many great young teachers that have a tremendous amount of energy that they put into their job. I fear with all of the add expectations that people will begin to look into other fields. It seems as though this started shifting when No Child Left Behind was introduced?????
Teacher Shortage
Teacher Shortage
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Ah hah moment!
I recently had a student struggling with his multiplication facts, specifically the 9's. Whenever we would practice he would really stress out. After talking to him he said that he just couldn't ever remember the answers to multiplication problems that had a nine in them. To my surprise, he said that he had never learned how to do the nines trick on his fingers. Ever since I taught him that simple trick he has been more successful and more enthusiastic about multiplication practice. Sometimes it is that simple to give kids the confidence they need. He now says math doesn't scare him.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Worst Job
Worst job???? I really can't think of a job that I've had that has been bad. Maybe because I haven't had too many jobs. I worked for the same company from high school through college. I worked in an office doing bookkeeping, so it was actually great. No jobs for me, yet.
Thursday, November 8, 2007

I would have to say that the most memorable vacation I have been on is when I went to London and Paris 2 Christmas' ago. I left Christmas night and arrived in London the next day. Luckily, I had a friend living and working in London, so I had a free place to stay! I got to see snow fall in London and Paris. In London I rode the tube all throughout the city, went to Windsor Castle, the Eye of London, Tower of London, and every other tourist spot in the city. It was very exhausting, but very worth it. I took the train to Paris and spent 30 exciting hours in the wonderful city. My trip to Paris was a whirl wind. I tried to squeeze as much as I could into the 30 hours. I did the basics - the Luvue, Eiffel Tower, bus tour, and ate fantastic food. Then I headed back to London where I counted down to the new year in front of Big Ben on the Thames River. I loved this trip and have wanted to return since I left.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hmmmm....hobby. I wish I could say that I had time to truly enjoy a hobby. If I had the time and money I would say that my hobby is traveling. I love to travel. It tends to be addicting for me. Without the resources $$ to do the type of traveling I would like to do I would have to say that the one other thing I do regularly is run. I like to run outside, especially on warm evenings. It is my time to forget about all of the craziness and enjoy life!! I use to run 4-5 times a week, but with coaching it has been very difficult to find any time. Coaching is over this week and I can finally start back slowly, but of course the weather is getting cold!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Classroom Reflection...
Being in school for two months now, I feel I am really starting to get to know my students. My class has classroom meetings each week. Each week we make a team goal and this week our goal was to focus on self-control. Coming from 7th and 8th grade last year and down to 6th grade I had forgotten the maturity difference in ages 10 -13. So, I had to step back and realize that my class this year needs to work a little longer to build the community we are hoping for. I also noticed that I have several leaders in my class. Most of the students I consider leaders were unaware of their "status". I had many conferences this week where we talked about the responsibilities of being a leader and how other students are watching the behaviors and actions of the natural leaders in the class. Some of the students were happy to be known as leaders, but others didn't like the responsibility that goes along with being a leader. I also realized that I have many great families that I am excited to work with this year.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Technology I'm interested in...
I would really like to learn how to use a smartboard. I hope to write a grant this year for one, but haven't found the time yet. I observed a teacher using one in her room and it seemed very useful and was quite interactive. I hate overheads!!!! It's crazy to think that we are actually still using overheads in our rooms (some of us) when our students have always known and used much more advance technology. I would also like the clickers that students can use to answer questions. I'm not sure what the official name is, but they seem like a great way of checking for understanding. I would love to have a projector and document camera in my room too. I'm sure there is much more technology that I would integrate into my lessons, but I just haven't been exposed to it yet.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
War in Iraq
Thoughts on the war...
I wish I could say that I understand everything going on in Iraq, but I honestly don't. I feel like everytime I do try to understand the issues and reasons why we are fighting across seas I read such contradicting material that I get even more confused. Obviously, we cannot count on the media to give both sides of any story, but I do think that we should all be more educated on what really is going on. I do feel that we have been fighting way too long and too many lives are being taken. I know that war is in our country's history, but it seems like we should be more civilized by now. I feel quilty when I think about the strangers that fight everyday for my freedom while my life goes on normally. I don't believe that losing innocent lives is the answer to any problem.
October 11, 2007 9:57 PM October 11, 2007 9:57 PM
I wish I could say that I understand everything going on in Iraq, but I honestly don't. I feel like everytime I do try to understand the issues and reasons why we are fighting across seas I read such contradicting material that I get even more confused. Obviously, we cannot count on the media to give both sides of any story, but I do think that we should all be more educated on what really is going on. I do feel that we have been fighting way too long and too many lives are being taken. I know that war is in our country's history, but it seems like we should be more civilized by now. I feel quilty when I think about the strangers that fight everyday for my freedom while my life goes on normally. I don't believe that losing innocent lives is the answer to any problem.
October 11, 2007 9:57 PM October 11, 2007 9:57 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
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